Who is Ernesto?

Does that guy with the mustache and sombrero really exist? You really are a Dutch company, aren't you? Why all those Spanish palabras in your comunicación? And... 'Invitado', what does that actually mean?

The man, the myth, the legend...

To answer all the above questions at once, we have to go back to the summer of 2005. Lodewijk and his former compañero Michiel are backpacking through inspiring Mexico. When they arrive in Chichén Iztá, they run into an unmissable, contagiously cheerful Mexican. He tries to lure every passing tourist to his hotel. '24 hour pool and aire condicionado!' he exclaims enthusiastically. 'Very good hotel! Tell everybody!'

The two are easily convinced by the mantra of this persistent Ernesto and book a room. And the Mexican hotelier didn't say too much! The Stardust Inn really is a very good hotel*, where Lodewijk and Michiel feel more than welcome. As if they were personally invited by Ernesto: Invitado.

Mexico and its rich culture, but also the hotel and above all the cheerful hotel owner make an indelible impression on the two adventurers. When they founded HVMP, the parent company of Invitado, less than a year later, Ernesto's authenticity, persuasiveness and enthusiasm still proved to be a muy importante source of inspiration. And… today, so many years later, Ernesto still is. Tell everybody!

* Results achieved in the past do not guarantee el futuro.

Very good hotel! Tell everybody!



We are here for you

Visit us, give us a call at +31 (0) 88 99 87 444 or send us an e-mail at info@invitado.nl

The Stardust Inn

Book a hotel in Mexico? Then we will not recommend Ernesto's accommodation to you. Because where we have done everything we can over the past twenty years to offer a registration system that is as beautiful, safe and up-to-date as possible, The Stardust Inn has fallen prey to overdue maintenance. And we don't like to make things more beautiful than they are...


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